Sultan of arts


Participation In The Competition

  • Prerequisite for the participation
  • Registrations will start from Sep 15, 2021
  • Multiple applications for the same competition will be rejected
  • All the fields marked as with * is mandatory.


Perform Aria
(Ave Maria) by Caccini

  • Free of charge participation
  • $1000 jury winner prize
  • $500 Audience voting winner prize
  • Accompanied by any instruments
  • Only 70 participants will be accepted and judged
  • Age: 24 years of age and under

Closing date will be on 28th February 2022

Dedicated to
Halmágyi Katalin


Create an Act, titled
Absolute Music

  • No longer than 3 minutes
  • Either solo or in group
  • Free of charge participation
  • $1000 jury winner prize
  • $500 Audience voting winner prize
  • Only 70 participants will be accepted and judged
  • Age: 24 years of age and under

Closing date will be on 31st March 2022

Dedicated to
Sammy & Andy AlKhatib


Create an Artwork titled
No Music No Life

  • No limitation regarding materials or style
  • Free of charge participation
  • $1000 Jury winner prize
  • $500 Audience voting winner prize
  • Only 70 participants will be accepted and judged
  • Age: 24 years of age and under

Closing date will be on 30th April 2022

Dedicated to
Földes Imre


Perform an act from
Spartacus by Khachaturian

  • Only the duet of Spartacus and Phrygia Act 3 Adagio, with playback music
  • Free of charge participation
  • $2000 Jury winner prize
  • $500 Audience voting winner prize
  • Only 70 participants will be accepted and judged
  • Age: 24 years of age and under

Closing date will be on 31st May 2022

Dedicated to
Music & Ballet School

  • Pianist & Choir Conductor Specialist In History Of Art Sultan Al Khatib is a well-known Pianist & Choir Conductor born in Baghdad in the year 1964.
  • Studied at (Bartók Béla Conservatory) and (Franz Liszt Academy of Music) Budapest / Hungary 1982-1989.

Major Achievements

  • Representative of the President of International Olympic of Arts
  • Performed several concerts and lectured about different subjects on music at theaters, universities, opera houses, churches and cultural centers in Europe, Middle East and North Africa
  • Presented several TV Programmed introducing Classical Music and Fine Arts
  • Invited by UNESCO on the occasion of the ceremony of World Environment Day, his concert was broadcast live via satellite
  • Chosen from musicians representing 65 countries by the International Olympic Arts Society, Sultan Al-khatib performed a piano concert for UNESCO in Paris on the occasion of the founding constitutive assembly and joint signing of the Charters of the International Olympic Arts
  • Has held various leading positions in several cultural institutions
  • Has been jury member of several international festivals

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