PHP 8.3 introduces several new features and improvements to enhance performance and the developer experience. Dive into the latest PHP 8.3 release and discover the new features set to revolutionize how developers build applications. From read-only properties to disjoint unions, learn how these enhancements can help you write more efficient and maintainable code while boosting overall performance.

Here are some of the most significant updates:

1. Readonly Properties for Classes.

Feature: PHP 8.3 introduces read-only properties that can only be assigned once, typically in the constructor.
Benefit: This enforces immutability for properties, which can help prevent accidental modifications and make the code easier to reason about.

class User {
public readonly string $name;

public function __construct(string $name) {
$this->name = $name;

$user = new User(“Alice”);
// $user->name = “Bob”; // This will throw an error

Performance Impact: Immutable objects can lead to performance benefits by reducing the need for defensive copying and allowing for better optimization by the engine.

2. Disjoint Unions

Feature: PHP 8.3 introduces disjoint unions, allowing developers to declare that a property or return type can be of one type or another, but not a common subtype.
Benefit: This adds more precision in type declarations, improving type safety and reducing potential bugs.

function process(mixed $input): int|string {
if (is_int($input)) {
return $input * 2;
if (is_string($input)) {
return strtoupper($input);
throw new InvalidArgumentException();

3. json_validate() Function

Feature: A new json_validate() function is introduced, which allows developers to check if a string contains valid JSON without decoding it.
Benefit: This is useful for validating large JSON strings without the overhead of decoding them.

$jsonString = ‘{“name”: “Alice”, “age”: 25}’;
if (json_validate($jsonString)) {
echo “Valid JSON!”;
} else {
echo “Invalid JSON!”;

4. Typed Class Constants

Feature: PHP 8.3 allows class constants to have types, just like class properties.
Benefit: This feature enforces type safety for constants, reducing bugs caused by incorrect types.

class Config {
public const int MAX_USERS = 100;

5. Improved Performance

JIT Improvements: PHP 8.3 includes enhancements to the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler introduced in PHP 8.0. These improvements lead to faster execution of some workloads, especially those that are CPU-intensive.
Faster Hash Table Operations: Internal improvements have been made to how hash tables (the underlying structure for arrays and many other data structures) are handled, resulting in faster array operations and reduced memory usage.

6. Enhanced Error Reporting

Feature: Error reporting has been improved with more precise messages and additional context, helping developers diagnose issues faster.
Benefit: Better error messages lead to quicker debugging and a smoother development experience.

7. New RandomEngine  Class

Feature: PHP 8.3 introduces the RandomEngine class, which provides a standard way to generate random numbers using different engines.
Benefit: This adds more control over random number generation and allows for better customization, especially in cryptographic or statistical applications.

$engine = new RandomEngineMt19937();
$random = new RandomRandomizer($engine);
echo $random->getInt(1, 100); // Random number between 1 and 100


PHP 8.3 brings a mix of new features, performance improvements, and developer experience enhancements. These changes help developers write more robust, efficient, and maintainable code, while also taking advantage of performance optimizations under the hood. The introduction of readonly properties, disjoint unions, and typed class constants, along with improvements in JIT and error reporting, are particularly impactful in making PHP a more powerful and developer-friendly language.

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