The Do’s and Don’Ts of Receiving a Phone Lead

When making simple phone calls, we don’t have to pay attention to the structure or the words we use. However, if you are in a business where you receive phone leads, the matter is entirely different. How you conduct yourself in the phone call while you are receiving a phone lead is very important.

Therefore, the ones who answer the phones are typically people with high communication skills. But, not everyone has the communication skills of a pro. And if you find that the previous sentence fits your description, you’ve come to the right place.

Stick with us, and you will find out about the dos and don’ts of receiving a phone lead. After reading, you will surely improve or add something new to how you receive a phone lead.

Why Is Phone Etiquette Important?

When a customer calls, or a potential client, you have to bring out your A-game. Regular phone calls made to friends and family are entirely different from professional ones.

A phone lead can potentially lead you to higher sales, and that’s where the importance of phone etiquette lies. So, there are a few rules that you should follow to make sure that you provide quality communication to your clients.

Now that you know why phone etiquette is essential, let’s see what you should do and avoid while receiving a phone lead!

Answer the Phone Within Three Rings

The people handling the phones should always be available to their clients. That entails staying focused and answering the phone as quickly as humanly possible. It won’t be good for business if you keep the customer waiting a long time. What’s more, it will be even worse if you send the call to voicemail. And since your business involves generating leads from phone calls, your clients will expect that you will be available at all times.

This rule might seem strict and hard to follow. However, if you are focused and around your phones at all times, you won’t experience any difficulties. Of course, the only time you are allowed to be away is on breaks. So, your clients should be aware of the time when you take breaks. Then you will provide them with exceptional service, and they will be satisfied.

The best recommendation we can give is to answer the phone within three rings. Why? Answering within the first three rings will provide you with time to prepare and focus on the task at hand. Also, your clients will not have been waiting long to reach you. So, answering within three rings will be a win-win in your book!

The key takeaway is:

Do’s: when you hear the phone ringing, answer it within the third ring.Don’ts: do not wait it out and answer the phone at the last minute.

Start the Conversation With an Introduction

When talking to clients, you should always start the call by giving them your name. Most people want to know who they’re talking to and will appreciate you telling them right away. Also, you can add “How can I help” to your introduction.

All of that will ensure that you get off with your client on the right foot. Also, it will make for a more pleasant and friendly conversation. Not only that, but it will add to the professionalism of your company, and your clients will take you more seriously.

The key takeaway is:

Do’s: answer the phone by stating your name and the company’s name. Also, asking how you can help is an excellent start to a conversation.Don’ts: do not greet your client with only a simple “Hello.” Namely, please do not wait for your client to ask who they are speaking to, which they will inevitably do. That will waste both your and your client’s time.

Speak Using Clear and Simple Terms

A lot of people prefer speaking on the phone rather than in person. Even if they do, they still expect that the person they’re talking to has strong communication skills. Also, the client is providing you with a phone lead who will judge you based on your voice. They will not have the opportunity to see your body language and whether you are smiling or not.

So, the only thing that the client will care about is the way you communicate with them. Using straightforward terms will show your client that you do not underestimate them and their intelligence. Namely, if you use very technical and complex words, the client will think that your purpose is to show off and undermine them. And that will lead them never to call you again.

Also, make sure that you are confident and loud. However, we don’t mean that you should be shouting at your clients when we say loud. We suggest that you speak loudly enough so that your client understands you immediately and you don’t have to repeat yourself.

All of that will only boost your confidence, and your client will feel safe and know that they are speaking with a professional. Also, a solid and confident voice will seem more trustworthy.

The key takeaways are:

Do’s: speak clearly and use simple terms. Also, be confident and do not hesitate.Don’ts: do not confuse your clients with technical terms that they are most likely not to understand. Even if you’re tired, speak loudly enough so that the client hears you loud and clear.

Listen and Take Notes

Listening and understanding what your client is telling you is imperative. Also, if they have questions and frustrations, understanding them will come a long way for you and them. And to understand, you have got to listen.

Listening to your client means that you hear everything they’re saying and form a response based on that. It would help if you did not base your answer on a pre-written script. If you do, your client will feel like they’re talking to a robot rather than a human. Also, they will think that you do not care about what they’re saying and only want to end the conversation as soon as possible.

Actively listening and basing your responses on what your client is saying will prove to them that you are focused on them and that they are your priority at that moment.

What’s more, taking notes can help you with understanding your clients. Also, taking notes will help you if you have to keep records of all your conversations. Notes will aid you in giving a response to clients. If a client has trouble expressing what they want and takes a long time to do so, writing down the main points will help you jump straight to the point when you respond. That way, your conversation won’t get sidetracked, and you will have a productive and helpful dialog with your client.

The key takeaways are:

Do’s: listen carefully and form your response based on what your client is saying. Also, take notes during the conversation. Taking notes will help you understand your clients better, and it will also help you remember the phone lead you received.Don’ts: do not base your responses on a pre-written script.

Be Cheerful and Friendly

Everyone has bad days. Of course, you are allowed to have them too. However, you should try and be as cheerful as possible even then. You never know if your client is having a bad day, and your positive tone and attitude can be the thing that cheers them up.

And if a client is having a bad day, chances are they will be rude to you on the phone. However, your first response should not be to put them in their place. The best course of action would be to consider their situation and think about how you would feel if you were in their shoes. You will often realize that their rude tone and frustration is a normal human reaction.

When receiving a phone lead, even when facing negativity, you should remain positive at all times. The most likely outcome will be your client appreciating your positivity and apologizing for being rude to you. After that, your conversation will immediately take a turn for the better.

So, if you try and make the call as positive as you can, you might end it with one more loyal and grateful client on your list.

The key takeaways are:

Do’s: do respond to a hostile client with positivity and cheerfulness.Don’ts: do not react to negativity right away. Also, do not fight fire with fire and respond to your clients with more negativity.

Concluding Remarks on Receiving a Phone Lead

Now that we’ve covered many do’s and don’ts of receiving a phone lead, you might realize that answering clients shouldn’t be taken lightly. The do’s and don’ts mentioned above might prove helpful to you and improve your connection with your clients.

And, frankly, you’ve got nothing to lose if you try them. After putting all of these recommendations to use, you will immediately notice their benefits. Also, you will most likely see an increase in the number of phone leads you receive!

So, if you want, give them a shot and see where they lead you. After that, you can decide whether or not these were useful to you.

The post The 5 Essential Rules of Phone Etiquette | The Do’s and Don’ts appeared first on hapondo blog.

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